Setting goals is important. When you have a big goal that you’ve set out to achieve, it is simple to know if you have got there or not, as there is a clear endpoint. But most larger goals take time to achieve, and our lives can consist of more than just some checklists of projects that take up our time. In order to really be able to define success, we need to look at the long-term goals that we have, and the small actions that we take to get to where we want to be each day. But in order to do that, our lives do need to be in order. So with that in mind, here are some different ideas to think about.

Define success for you

Before you get on and try to get things going, it is a good idea to have some time of mindfulness, in order to decide what you are going to achieve by the end of the day. This can help you to plan, but also to be able to prioritize. You won’t be able to do all that you want to at once, so you need to think about what is going to be realistically achievable each day. Then you can have some smaller successes and little wins, each day.  

Decide priorities 

When it comes to your life and making changes, you need to see where your priorities are. If you are in a bit of a rut with life, then what can you do to improve things? You can look at areas of your life that are making you unhappy. For example, your social life or home life could be causing some problems. You may need to seek out advice from someone like AG Law to help mediation or help with family law issues, for example. You can change things, and life doesn’t have to always be one way. If you’re ready and prepared for change, then it can make a big difference to how proactive you are about things.

Quit procrastinating

There are a number of ways to get things done, but if you are someone who puts things off, then you need to quit that kind of thinking. There will be things that we put off, for good reason, but they are still there to do. They can also feel a little like a weight on your shoulders until you just sit there and do them. Which is why it is so important to avoid procrastinating and putting things off. You’ll feel so much better for it, and you will see so much more progression in your life when you stop putting things on hold.

Did today matter?

Quite a powerful question that you can ask yourself at the end of each day, is ‘did today matter?’ It can be easy to go through your checklist of things, and see what you actually did. But really, did what you do today matter? Some days it won’t, and that is totally fine, but more often than not, you want to find that the answer is yes, it did matter. When something has been positive in your life, and it has mattered, then you can do more things like it tomorrow. If you can’t particularly remember if what you did mattered, or even what you did, then there is room for improvement and for changing things up.