Have you been thinking about losing weight? Don’t think about it; go for it. Losing weight can be a challenge, but one that, with determination, you can successfully progress with. For some people, gastric sleeve revision surgery is their only option; however, we recommend trying the below first.  Below are five tips to help you lose weight.

Drink plenty of water

It is recommended that you drink eight glasses of water a day to stay healthy. Not only will this help with your hydration, but it will also help with losing weight. Many people eat when they think they are hungry, but their body is telling them they are dehydrated and thirsty. If you drink a glass of water just before you have a meal, you will find you fill up quicker, reducing the chance of you overeating.

Plan your meals – Meal Prep!

This is a tip which is not only helpful to your waistline, but also saves you time. How often do you come back from work hungry and grab the first thing in sight? By preparing your meals, you can control the number of calories you are consuming each day. You can also build in specific snacks that you can enjoy guilt-free as you know you are within your allowance that day. By having your meals prepared, you will understand what you are eating and when.

Do not ban yourself completely from eating unhealthily

When trying to lose weight, you want to make your goals achievable. So many diet plans tell you to eat too little or to eat nothing that’s considered unhealthy. It is unrealistic to think you can forever not eat a bag of crisps or enjoy a glass of wine on a Friday night. Instead, allow yourself to have these treats but in moderation instead of eating them excessively.

Cut down on alcohol

Alcohol contains a lot of calories and sugar, which can contribute to weight gain. Reducing the amount you drink will reduce the number of calories your body consumes that day. Try to moderate the amount you drink, instead of cutting it out entirely as it will be unrealistic to give it up altogether. When you are having a drink, try and choose something that is low in calories such as a gin and slimline tonic, and don’t go overboard. 

Try to get active more often

Being active and healthy eating goes hand in hand together. The more active you are, the more calories you will burn, helping with weight loss. Being active will also bring other benefits with it, such as improved mental health and stronger bones. You don’t have to get too energetic; even a 30 minutes’ walk each day added to what you currently do will make a big difference to your health and weight. You will also find that getting active will help with getting a better night’s sleep.

Getting active and making a few lifestyle changes can make a big difference to your weight. You may find that having a friend who loses weight with you at the same time will help with motivation.