When you find yourself going round and round in circles and doing things that you know aren’t helping you to grow or improve as a person, it can be frustrating. That toxic cycle of negativity can seem impossible to break, but it really doesn’t have to be if you find the right approach and a better way forward.

Luckily, there are lots of things you can do to break out of a bad cycle and that’s exactly what we’re going to talk about today. There are options and ideas out there that can suit every person no matter how deeply mired in your rut you feel right now. Read on to find out more.

Take a Longer View

First of all, you should try to adopt a longer view on the situation. Not everything that seems so bad and so difficult now is always going to remain that way. Instead of feeling like things are never-endingly bad, you should try to think about the future and what you want to achieve a year from now, 5 years from now or in 10 years time. When you adopt that kind of longer view of things, it gives you some much needed perspective on your current situation as it is today.

Surround Yourself with the Right People

You should also do what you can to surround yourself with people who are really going to appreciate you and help you to be the best version of yourself. In life, you never really go it alone. A lot of what you do and what you’re able to achieve in life is dictated by the people around you. That’s why it’s so important to surround yourself with the right kinds of people.

Spend Time in Nature

Spending time in nature and really getting back to basics is one of the things that can help a lot when you’re looking to break out of a bad cycle and do something new and useful with your life. It gives yourself the time to think and maybe helps you to get rid of the negativity that your current surroundings are forcing upon you. Nature is refreshing and revitalizing and that could be just what you need right now.

Switch the Focus on Your Attention

Where you choose to focus your attention right now is one of the things that matters most. Whether it feels like it or not, you’re in control of what you focus on and where your attention is. If you focus on the negatives and the not so good things in your life, then you’ll always have that kind of negativity hanging over you which is not what you want. Try to switch your attention and see how that works for you. It might make all the difference.

Try New and Different Therapy Options

Therapy is one of those things that can make a real difference and you should definitely think about how it’s going to help you improve yourself. If you tried conventional therapy, maybe you should try something like adventure therapy instead. You might be thinking what is adventure therapy?, but it’s an increasingly popular option and it’s helped many people overcome all sorts of things in their life, so give it a try.

Don’t Feel the Need to Believe All Your Thoughts

It’s important to remember that just because a thought comes into your mind, that doesn’t mean you have to believe it or lend it any real weight. Instead, you should keep perspective and try to be as positive as possible even if you’re feeling quite negative and down in the moment. Try to be positive and reject thoughts that you know are unhealthy and untrue.

Learn to Break Up and Disrupt Negative Thoughts

When you do find yourself confronted with negative and unhelpful thoughts, you should do your best to break them down. Ask yourself why you’re thinking those things and whether it really makes sense for you to think that way. In most cases, you’ll soon realise that those thoughts weren’t helpful or necessary at all.

When you’re stuck in a rut and you’re not sure how to get out of it, it can all be very frustrating and very difficult to deal with. It’s not a situation that anyone really wants to find themselves in, so it’s up to you to find the ways out of it that work for you. But all the tips and ideas above should provide you with a useful starting point.