We all out here trying to live our best lives, be happy and have some meaningful existence. However, sometimes we lose sight of what we truly want out of life as day to day obligations takes over. Here are some top tips to get you back on the path to achieving your goals. 

Write Down Your Goals

Start by writing down your goals and aspirations in life, tick off what you have achieved, and then focus on what you have yet to carry out. Organize them into one-year, three-year, and five-year goals, this can help you feel motivated and deter you from feeling overwhelmed into trying to accomplish them all in one go. 

Say Yes

Evaluate your best yes in every situation. You will be surprised at where life takes you when you start saying yes to things. Been invited out? Say your best yes. Want to buy that new car? Say your best yes, or maybe your stuck on whether you should quit your job and go back to school, say your best yes. We tend to hold ourselves back immensely for the what-ifs when we should be saying what next. Of course, saying yes is all relative to our circumstance and financial situation, don’t go nuts saying yes and end up having the Collection Agency turning up at your door. Choose your best yes.

Be Your True Self

The best thing you can do to live your best life is to be true to yourself. Everyone’s version of ‘living their best life’ is different, so don’t compare yourself to where other people are in life or what their goals are. Be proud of your strengths and what makes you different, as it makes you, you.

Live In The Present

Stop putting your goals off. It’s easy to say ‘I will start Monday’ or ‘I will wear that when I’ve lost weight.’ If you keep putting it off, you will never achieve it. Instead, start that day by saying, ‘today I’m going to accomplish’ setting mini-tasks each day will help you achieve your goals in no time. When living in the present, also try not to dwell on the past. Past events shape us as a person but don’t let regrets and past mistakes define you. Stop saying, ‘I wish I’d had done it sooner,’ as you can always do it now. It is never too late to reach your goals.


Decluttering your life is always good every now and then. As well as decluttering physical objects from your life, think about having a declutter of the mind. Work on battling those inner demons, whether it’s having a moment each evening to practice mindfulness or seeing a therapist, if your mind is cluttered, you might struggle to reach your goals. In this process, you can also think about the people you surround yourself with. Ditch the people in your life that bring bad energy and surround yourself with positive, like-minded people. 

These are just a few top tips to help get you started living your best life. For more ideas, check out 4 Ways To Start Living Your Best Life.