We cannot allow ourselves to emerge from such a huge and global event unchanged. Even if it’s just changed on an individual level. In that spirit, let’s take a moment to ruminate on some of the life lessons from COVID-19 for which we can be grateful.

You can overcome anything 

There are many who have been afflicted by the virus who report it being one of the scariest and most terrible illnesses they’ve ever endured. Those whose loved ones have been affected by it have also experienced great anguish, even if those affected have made full recoveries. Still, the good news is that going through such a terrible physical and emotional ordeal reminds us that we can take anything. We may realize that now is the perfect time to take better care of our bodies by cleaning up our diets, exercising more or checking into an addiction treatment center. It may remind us both of how fragile and how indomitable our lives and bodies are.

Your community is incredible

One of the most heartwarming things about the pandemic is the way it has brought communities together to protect their most vulnerable and at-risk. Furthermore, the BLM protests in recent weeks have also shown us that people are willing to come together to protest grievous social and political injustices. 

Your community is incredible. And having rediscovered it, you may want to play a more active part in it by helping out those who need it the most.

Your relationship is bulletproof

It’s okay to admit it. The lockdown has been tough on a lot of relationships. We human beings are simply not meant to spend all day every day in close proximity with one another. Without the time to be individuals it can be very difficult to be at your best as a couple. 

If you and your significant other have made it through the past few months without seriously considering divorce, that’s a pretty huge vote of confidence that your relationship can take anything! And even if the path has been rocky over the past few months, you should consider that exceptional circumstances may have resulted in out of character behaviors before taking active steps to call the whole thing off.  

Nothing is more important than your health

Finally, in an era where we’re taught to chase money and status symbols, this pandemic has taught us perhaps the most important life lesson of all. Nothing is more important than your health. Yours is the only body you’re ever going to get. It’s up to you to do all that you can to look after it