STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) is a field that is growing every day. If you have an interest in any of these fields, then you may be toying with the idea of a degree in IT that will lead you to Information Systems Security careers. You may even consider that you could have a future in lab testing because of an interest in chemistry. Whatever it is that interests you, perhaps a career in STEM could be for you? It’s such a broad field that you have a lot of options, and if you’re still struggling to choose whether a career in STEM is for you, I’ve put together ten reasons it may be the right one. Let’s take a closer look:

You Can Build Flexible Skills

The skills that you build up in a STEM position can be translated across to a range of roles. Okay, so a biologist cannot cross over into physics, but the skills that you learn in their basics can be translated across in any one of the fields, including research methods and problem-solving skills. Your skills being cross-marketable can give you a better scope for your future and you are already qualified for most of them, too. You won’t be left behind if you need to change jobs, and this is so important in a STEM role.

The Pay Is Excellent!

Jobs that are in the science and technology industry are paid very highly. Some of the highest paid jobs in the world are in the STEM industry, whether you have a Bachelor’s degree or a Phd. You’re more likely to find job satisfaction in your salary as much as you are in the role. The fact you are most likely to find a high paid role in STEM is just one of the reasons to study a degree in this field. The high pay can help you to stay secure in your future and allows you to be financially solvent.

There’s Always Work

The world is in dire straits and many are left unemployed and looking for work – with no hope of finding anything. And then there are the STEM roles that never go away. Science roles, technology roles, engineering and mathematics roles are in abundance. Advances in technology and medicine require the expertise of those in the STEM field, and more jobs are being added all the time. With your newfound knowledge of your field, you can find a role that suits you. If you don’t find your dream role, you can always slide on over into another field – as we mentioned, your skills are transferable.

STEM Roles Are Not As Competitive

Believe it or not,  there is far less competition in this field than most others. So many jobs in the STEM industry are going unfilled. Why? Well, there are not enough people studying in those fields. If you are lucky enough to find a job in a STEM role, it shows that you have the knowledge and expertise to get ahead more than most. STEM degrees are hard; engineering and mathematics have so many different routes from them that these roles just aren’t competitive. These positions require a high level of academic knowledge; these roles are very cerebral. So, you need to feel secure in that you will never be out of work as you are coveted as all of those in the STEM industries.

Less Of A Salary Gap

Most women and men find that there is a huge gender pay gap in a range of industries. In STEM there is a much smaller gap (though enough to notice there is one). There are fewer women in STEM careers because of things like this, but equality in pay is much better than other industries. If you are looking for a role in a gender-equal industry, STEM may be right for you. You can find yourself more equal to others, which is a big deal for those looking to feel comforted in their role.

You Won’t Ever Lose Your Skills

While technology and engineering careers are constantly evolving and changing, the basic skills that you need never change, which means that you won’t lose the,. The world needs math geniuses to help them to build something better, and engineers are needed so that they can build something new in life. Your skills in any of these industries are going to be valuable, and no matter how things change and innovate, you’re going to find yourself in a role that supports the changes. You can better adapt to the changes in your career when you are secure that your skills aren’t going anywhere.

You Get The Chance To Innovate

You get to be a part of some of the world’s biggest innovations when you are in the STEM industry. You can be in the forefront of the most cutting edge technologies, and you can help the world to evolve and move forward. STEM roles are applied in a variety of industries, from the computer technology advances to the robotics side of things that is changing over time. You get to innovate and that’s something that not many people can talk about.

Funding For School

Those looking to study in the STEM arenas are going to enjoy the fact that there is more funding being pushed into the classes at schools now. So many students don’t want to go into STEM majors, but with more funding, more classes are available and that makes for a motivational reason to go ahead and study. Given the lack of funding for so many different careers, it can be a good reason to feel pushed into studying hard.

You Get To Think Critically & Solve Problems

A big part of working in the STEM arena is the chance to problem-solve and think critically about what you’re doing. Training in any of the four STEM fields can help you out in your everyday life, too. You won’t have to take your computer to the guys who fix them – as you can do it yourself – just as an example! You get the chance to really push yourself and test out the most important skills you have.

You’ll Love The Job

Those who take a degree in a STEM field, then a Master’s and then a Phd? Those are passionate people who love what they do. Most people have to feel like a STEM position is a vocation, otherwise they won’t be fulfilled for very long. There is no better reason to get a job in a specific field than the fact you’ll love it. You may not know whether a STEM career is for you but with these reasons to join in, you should consider how you can grow your career and enjoy a whole new field.

Take the time to find a course and a degree that works for you in any of the four STEM areas – you won’t regret it.