God of Mountain

Ever get the feeling that some things in your life are just never going to change?

You have prayed about it. You have fasted about it. You may have even begged God to remove it. Yet, the mountain remains. Tall and daunting it stand staring back at you. It stand unmoved by your pleas and unaffected by your prayers.

Why are some mountains so impossible? I use the word impossible lightly because I want to believe nothing is impossible for God. Lord help my unbelief.

So what do you do when your impossible remains before you?

This question has occupied my thoughts over the past few weeks. My impossible is likely not your impossible, but I’ve found a lot of power in these three statements and I believe they will help you as well.

1. Some challenges in my life will not change until I fully submit the outcome to God.

Praying is great, but only if you are going to be OK with however God chooses to answer. If I’m only going to be satisfied when God answers my prayer my way, well that’s when I’ve got a problem on my hands. Eventually I have to ask myself…Am I ready to do it God’s way or do I want to continue trying to get God to do it my way?

2. God knows more about my mountain than I do, so I can stop telling Him about it.

Sometimes my prayer time can sound a lot like whining. Looking back on my past months of praying it’s no wonder I’m not seeing the results I desire in the area of my mountain. God doesn’t want a dissertation on my mountain, he wants communion with my heart. It’s in the secret place of intimacy where change happens, hope is restored, and mountains tremble.

3. Seek God’s presence in  your situation and you will also get God’s power.

When my focused changed from begging God to change the situation to simply spending that same time in God’s presence, that’s when God’s power showed up. In God’s presence, what I had long accepted as an impossibility no longer held the power to intimidate me. His presence contained the fullness of His power, the two were inseparable. 


May of you started off this year by joining me in The Surrender All Fast. What you shared with me during that time together was insightful and inspiring. The desire to give God access into every area of our lives was the general consensus, but you honestly admitted living the reality of that desire is a struggle.

Enter the mountain. Whether the mountain is a child gone bad, a marriage at war, or an ever-expanding waistline is beside the point. The mountain is whatever makes you stop and question if God can change this. The mountain is the situation where you feel utterly powerless because you simply do not have the power to make it change. The mountain is bigger than your skill set, your knowledge base, or your willpower. If you could change it without God it would already be changed. The mountain is your invitation to experience God’s power.

If you’re like me the problem isn’t that you don’t want to see God’s power at work. The problem is you have become accustom to seeing your mountain before you. It’s part of your life’s scenery. Your mountain has started to define you. It’s what you talk about to your girlfriends. Is it possible you have become comfortable with your mountain?

My prayer for you today is that God will give you a vision of your mountain shaking and dissipating under the power of His presence.  Can you see it? Close your eyes for a moment and see your mountain. Sit there for a moment and share with God how the mountain makes you feel. Are you intimidated by it’s size? Have you lost hope? Does it seem immovable?

What would happen when your mountain meets God’s power? Not the power of God to answer your prayer, but Almighty God stepping onto your mountain.  Can your mountain stand under such power? I don’t believe it can.

What mountain in your life needs to meet God’s power? Share your reply in comments below

Saundra outside

Saundra Dalton-Smith is an internal medicine physician, author, speaker, and hope activist. She shares with audiences nationwide on the topics of eliminating limiting emotions and helps them see their options in life. She is the founder of I Choose My Best Life, a movement to renew hope in a generation where depression, stress, and fear is peaking. Her books include Set Free to Live Free: Breaking Through the 7 Lies Women Tell Themselves (2011) and Come Empty: Healing For Every Place Life’s Hurt You (2015).