
Every December I ask God to give me a word. Not just any word, but one that describes what He wants to accomplish through me in the coming year.

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for.”
–Matthew 7:7a NLT


In 2011 my word was SATISFIED. I needed to realize only the Lord can fill my deepest needs. In 2012 it was PEACE. God wanted me to let go of my fears and rest in Him. 2013’s word was REJOICE. I needed to increase my level of joy by praising God and thanking Him for all He has done. This year’s word is RENEW. I believe God wants to transform every part of me – mind, body, heart, and soul.

Maybe you’re familiar with this concept. But if not, let me explain how the process of “getting your word” works. First of all, you don’t choose your word; God does! I’ve listed a few practical steps you can take to discover your word:

1. Prepare your heart to receive your word.

Fast and pray (which you’re doing). God will speak when you put yourself into a posture to hear from Him.

2. Ask God to reveal your word.

The word can be anything – a fruit of the Spirit (kindness), attribute of God (mercy), or character trait (perseverance).

3. Do not seek counsel from others.

Godly counsel regarding issues or problems is essential, but you shouldn’t get advice on your word from family or friends. Let God show you what it is.

4. Look for confirmation of your word.

God will often bring your word to your attention through various ways – sermons, a song, conversations, etc. Expect God to make your one word undeniably clear.

5. Share your word.

Once you have your word, you can talk about it and share it with others.

6. Live out your word.

Trust God to help grow in this area of your life. Keep a journal, and write down insights and lessons throughout the year. Keep praying about your word.

I challenge you to seek God for your one word for 2014. Use the steps above as a guideline, but don’t rush the process. Be patient as you wait on the Lord. Keep your eyes and ears open. God has something powerful to show you through your word!

KristenKristen Feola is the author of The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast, an encouraging resource for individuals and groups who are participating in the Daniel Fast. She has worked as a personal trainer, nutritional consultant, and fitness instructor. Kristen lives with her husband and two daughters in Springfield, Missouri. Kristen is leading an Online Daniel Fast – January 5-25, 2014 where participants can sign up to receive daily emails, recipe ideas, and fasting tips. Visit her website, for more information and to register for the fast.